Posted on 9/27/2021

The transmission, sometimes known as a gearbox, is the component in your car that transfers power from the motor to the wheels. With such an essential role in your vehicle, the transmission also requires regular check-ups and services to perform optimally. It can also wear down over time, and it'll signal warnings as a result: warning lights, fluid leaks, burning carpet smell. If you experience any of these indications, we highly recommend you take your vehicle to Monkey Wrenches ASAP. Your mechanic can do three different types of operations to your transmission: repair, replacement, and rebuild. Transmission Repair A transmission repair is the most economical option of the three services. Repairs are to fix minor mishaps with the transmission. This type of procedure includes repairing specific components, various mods, and resealing. Transmission repairs do not involve the reassembly of the entire system. Our expert team will assess the severity of your transmissi ... read more